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About Us

👋 Hi, we're Pod Arcade! We're a group of developers who are passionate about open-source software and retro gaming. We created Pod Arcade to make it easy for anyone to run games or other linux-compatible software and share it with their friends.

The team is small but mighty. Currently it consists of:

  • JohnCMcDonough - wizard of linux and wrangler of packets
  • tutman96 - master of the web and performance perfectionist

We both have over 10 years of professional experience in delivering web software and have a passion for gaming. The gaming community is full of closed-source software and we want to change that. We believe that open-source software is the best way to ensure that everyone has access to best technology. Pod Arcade is built off of the shoulders of giants, and we're proud to be able to contribute back to the community. Those giants include:

  • Games on Whales - specifically ABeltramo and Drakulix for their help with gamepad emulation and Wayland architecture guidance
  • Pion - industry leading WebRTC library for Golang
  • Sway - the best (and simplest) Wayland compositor

We're always looking for new contributors, so if you're interested in helping out, check out our code over on Github and join our Discord Community!